一點紅爐雪 (i.e. Testimonials)

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一點紅爐雪 (i.e. Testimonials)

Post by 陳麗雲 »

稍早時候,因為一些活動需要, 從兩個曾經進行多成中醫音樂項目的機構拿到過對多成中醫音樂的使用反饋;最近有機會再看到,覺得也許可以貼出來。
兩家機構,一者為有教會背景的重症艾滋病患者寄居所, 一者是公立護老機構。其Activity Director都是在收到“您所提供反饋可能會被用於任何合適推廣中醫的公共場合”聲明的前提下做出回复。

From: House of Mercy, AIDS Home, Belmont NC, USA
Re: DuoSuccess TCM music program Review
… residents indicate that the TCM music program makes them feel better and gives them more energy. Mostly residents report that the music makes them feel very relaxed. One resident consistently falls asleep listening to the music. Most residents also indicate that the music is comforting. However, one person said that the music was "weird" and "wears on my nerves."

From: Mecklenburg Health Care Center, Skilled Nursing Facility, Charlotte NC, USA
Re: Review of DuoSuccess TCM music program
… yes, I observed anxious residents beginning to relax, respond more verbally when addressed, also a resident who had very little movement actually begin to show some improvement. I would love to continue with this program because I saw positive results with patients and believe they would have continued to improve. I have always been interested in how the body responds to music and having this program help me to better understand how important music can be to the better of the whole person.
… I really believe this program has great value and when of [would’ve] loved to be able to offer this program to my residents. …
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